Thursday 9 May 2013

Day 1

Today we received our assignments for our new Drama Assignments.

The people in my group are:
- Bridget Bu
- Bridget Bo
- Allie D
- Peta M
- Sarah J

Once we got into groups, we started to discuss our ideas for our play.

My Ideas:

Stimulus based on: I dreamed a dream

Idea 1: Whichever idea we decide on, the good character will turn bad/be abusive by the end of the story.

Idea 2: The main character will create their own characters within the dream world. The main character will use them in a way that they shouldn't (morally/ethically they shouldn't use them.) This was inspired by the film Ruby Sparks which came into my head because of the picture in the stimulus with the girl drowning.

Bridget Bu's Idea:

Stimulus based on: The monster's arms coming out the bed with the girl clinging to the Teddy Bear

Idea 1: Within the story, a girl will be holding onto a teddy bear and desperately loves it because it gives her comfort. But, in the end she realises that it represents fear and she decides to let it go.

Bridget Bo's Idea:

Stimulus based on: The monster's arms coming out the bed with the girl clinging to the Teddy Bear

Idea 1: A girl is watching the circus. The circus ends and the audience leaves but the girl stays. All the circus people come to life.

Peta's Idea:

Stimulus based on: The starry night image with the tree

Idea 1: The play is symbolic for depression. A young girl becomes drawn into a beautiful world. Suddenly, she starts running but she's unsure why and whilst she does this she sees her family and friends. But, then she realises that she can't talk to them or touch them or anything, she can only watch. Much like depression where you know that there is beauty but you can't feel it.

End result: Fun House.

Our play is going to be based on a girl who enters a fun house. Each scene will be a different room she explores.

Character List:
Little Girl

Lion Room
Contortionist Room
Clown Room

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